Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Evolution Markets membership right for me?

Evolution Markets was created to cater for people from various different levels in the trading space. The Power Of Two strategy was designed to not only be simplistic and systematic but to cater to the 99% of people who still work full time whilst pursuing consistency from the FX markets. With Also the addition of an investing course to build real wealth. Whether you're BRAND NEW to trading or you have some background experience, Evolution's perfect for you. We're here to help our members get from where ever they are through to the next level. Our end game for you is true confidence, sustainable consistency in your returns as a trader... and large capital funding banked so you can generate serious returns with the skillset you develop here.

Can I trade this strategy while working a 9-5 job?

Yes 100%. Our strategy was designed with exactly this in mind, many battle with the lower time frames whilst maintaining a 9-5 which truly is not sustainable or the most efficient way to succeed in the markets.
Our higher timeframe approach gives traders the ability to maintain a super high strike rate, take regular and sizeable profits from the market and still have a career away from trading.
In short, we all start out learning how to trade while working a 9-5 to support ourselves.
If this is you currently, you are not an anomaly. We all started there. Those who have gone on to make trading their full time gig, they were once where you are. Start where you are and work towards making this your full time thing over TIME not overnight!

What currency is the Evolution Markets membership charged in?

It is charged in Great British Pound (GBP) you can use googles currency converter to gauge what it will come to in your home currency.

How much capital do I need to start trading with?

There is no minimum amount to start trading with, however, we recommend £500-1000. Alternatively, funded accounts are the account of choice for most students.

Do you provide a signal service?

No, we do NOT provide signals.However we do offer outlooks / market forecasts to help you gauge future price action.

Is this course available in my country?

Yes, this is a worldwide course. You can access the content, community and live calls regardless of where you live and work.

Do you accept cryptocurrency payments?


Can your trade system be applied to other markets?

Yes, many trade this successfully on Metals, Indicies, Crypto, etc

How can I access discord?

Once you have signed in and logged into your portal, click on one of our modules and see the discord link on the right hand side of the portal